Mar 17, 2017

Tp-Link 300Mbps wireless N USB ADSL 2+ Modem Router (Model: TD-W8968)

Procured ADSL 2+ modem router and it was easily configurable to access the TPG data connection. Various screenshots are logged to keep handy the setup which works well now.. don't know about the future..

UPDATE 17/03/2017

Screenshot of xDSL is showing reduced speed

UPDATE 21/04/2017

After the recent issue with speed, disconnection, no dialtone in landline. Screenshot of xDSL page of the modem is showing reduced speed
Upstream: 975Kbps
Downstream: 5288Kbps


Mar 10, 2017

Google chrome xx search logic is not sensible

Google web client namely chrome xyz version is also collecting information about websites security aspect and sending mail to the domain owners. How cool or uncool is that?
It's not sensible enough based on a simple seach made for keywords "password, credit card or debit card and any textbox or lineedit" in a webpage.
Reason- I published a log of experieces about very simple and common topic [here] which consisted of key words mentioned above and the username and password which actually is a login for the drupal website. Google consoles innate logic is unable to get the overall semantics of all the keywords it gathered.
Will I be changing anything from/to my log. Nope, I don't need the extra security as advised or I don't think those reading(if there are any) require any kind of security, not gathering any information from others. I am simply making a log of events which I could refer back or if someone else finds it helpful - Promoting abundantware.
About migrating to https.. had that in mind but currently not doing it.

Mar 8, 2017

Generate custom route KML file using

  • Create a layer by clicking on the Add layer(1) 

  • Use Add Marker(2) to put n number of markers anywhere you wish. I placed it where I wanted and named it as Driving Test Start(3) and Driving Test Ends(4).
  • Using shift key select the two marker in the untitled layer(5) and select Add directions(6), this will render a new layer consisting of two points with the shortest route.

  • You can customise the route between these two point using “drag to change the route”(7).

  • To get the location name click on point A(8) and B(8), In my case it was assigned 92 Talavera Rd, Macquarie Park NSW 2113, Australia(Driving Test Start) and 101 Waterloo Rd, Macquarie Park NSW 2113, Australia(Driving Test End)
  • To export the map as KML select export to KML(9) from the list of items displayed, besure to select the layer that you want in the combo box or else the entire map will be downloaded.