Dec 31, 2020

Different terms and Players involved in a symbiotic NBN habitat - For the sake of knowing

 Have HFC NBN so every form of understanding(presumably) will be hovering around that. It should fit for FTTN, FTTC template 

Open for correction

Best form of comprehending how different players form a habitat -  RSP, NBN, PoI, CVC, End user is using image

Source of some of the image is from


Dec 30, 2020

Switching from ADSL(TPG) to NBN(TangerineTelecom - HFC) Saga - DIY'er approach

A simple process of switching between ISP's or RSP's became a great learning process (in stages) 

  • Wired Alarm System
    • Disabling Telephone line cut alarm when disconnected
    • Disabling back to base reporting
    • Testing out the process by disconnecting the RJ11 from alarm system
  • Buying NBN compatible router/modem
    • Deciding on Fritzbox 7590 router/modem
  • Deciding on the 50Mbps RSP provider with optional VoIP and 0 Setup fee
    • In our list
    • Not in our list
  • Applying for Tangerine NBN connection
    • how the process of connecting to NBN unfolded(email and SMS)
    • How the DOCSIS cable modem was connected
    • Video of cable modem booting up
  • Deciding on VoIP provider and Land line phone number porting from TPG to Australian phone company
    • How the process unfolded(Email and SMS)
  • Connecting Fritzbox to Arris cable modem
    • Process of connecting Fritzbox to NBN with credential provided
    • Hiccups while connecting to Arris
    • Internet disconnected Fritzbox  (LED red ) - how it was solved
  • Disconnecting from TPG (after phone no. porting and NBN Internet connection active @ AESthesia)
    • Process involved in disconnecting
    • Amt charged when disconnected

  • Wired alarm system
DAS Networx NX-16 Direct Alarm
  • Disabling Telephone line cut alarm when disconnected
How to program NX-16 alarm system - (In future)this system will be connected using konnected to be used in home automation process - so comprehending this system is necessary.
Programming the NX-16 
a) Enter the program mode eg:- *8
b) Enter the installer/Program code eg:- 1234
c) Select the module/device to program eg:- 0#
d) Enter Feature number eg:- 16#
Numerical Data
Numeric equivalent of these LED's are as follows

This Feature contains "Go to program code".

How to disable Telephone line cut siren
Disable the 1 option of 1 segment

  • Disabling back to base reporting
If there is back to base reporting there would be a phone no. in either Feature 4, Feature 7, Feature 8
In my case Feature 4 had 1300300782 number which is what is logged in TPG Display charges 
Make Values in each segment 0
Feature 10 - Dial Attempts
Make the default value to 0

  • Testing out the process by disconnecting the RJ11 from alarm system 

  • Buying NBN compatible router/modem
It was really hard to find one which wasn't CCP sponsored
  • Decided on Fritzbox 7590 router/modem

  • Deciding on the 50Mbps RSP provider with optional VoIP(wanted to go with different VoIP provider) and 0 setup fee

In our list
 Tangerine(We went ahead with this)
Not in our list
 TPG, Telstra and others included VoIP with NBN(why is it even mandatory?)

  • Applying for Tangerine NBN connection
- how the process of connecting to NBN unfolded(Tangerine)

SMS 28 Sep 2020 and 01 Oct 2020

  • How the DOCSIS cable modem was connected
NBN connection box CM8200B Designed and manufactured by ARRIS
DOCSIS 3.1 Cable modem-Touchstone CM8200B

Video of cable modem booting up - which all LEDs lit up and in which order

  • Deciding on VoIP provider and Land line phone number porting from TPG to Australian phone company
How the process unfolded(email)

  • Connecting Fritzbox to Arris cable modem

Screenshot of fritzbox web interface after successful connection
- Draft the process of connecting Fritzbox to NBN with credential provided 
- Hiccups while connecting to Arris 
- Internet disconnected Fritzbox  (LED red ), which for the time being was enabled using TP-link, then
solved the issue with Fritzbox. How it was resolved?

  • Disconnecting from TPG (after phone no. porting and NBN Internet connection active @ AESthesia)(include video recording)
- Process involved in disconnection
- Amt charged when disconnected

How Tangerine NBN 50Mbps is performing until now? See for your self
Status in(log in your twitter account to view)
Had consistently touched +40Mbps during peak hours.(Observed once or twice slow speed(< 20Mbps).. that's no big deal, for me/us).. No dropouts
What Keyword in tweets imply?
Tangerine FB - Speed measured using Fritzbox
Tangerine TP-link - speed measured using TP-link
Will be testing out speed for 6 months