Feb 9, 2009

Reason FLOSS is here.... and the dashboard

The reason for such a dashboard is because of the fact that we tend presume that we are blocked by certain instances or incidence that take us to back foot, but one thing that is easily forgotten is the inner strength that we have that can help us to either convert that to do something better or help us to take up the matter in a lighter sense.

For me FLOSS is not just about the software development but it's the way of life that u select ... simple, modest, philosophical. It lets u do what u want to do regardless of market trend, recession(that's the big talk doing around now a days). Apart from that the world that we live is full of unrest, uncertainty, unsympathetic, anarchy arising out of greed for money, position, power, now FLOSS in a way abolishes all these well may be that's the reason why some compare it to communism and i really pity them because FLOSS is far beyond and away from communist principles reason I hail from god's own country - kerala where one dominant party is communist and it's no different from other parties - shameless, clinging on to power no matter how pathetic the situation is . Now a days politics is a career option and not a social work then obviously it's bound to affect the ones who elect those - ) .

Currently I am using Ubuntu to quench my thirst in whatever I want to do and believe me it provides everything I want.. I want to make my stand clear that I am not against any OS(proprietary) what I do feel is that people will ultimately converge towards something that is GOOD now that depends on person to person

Another important lesson that I have learned is to tackle problem(s) just by being quiet.. well it may backfire at u in some instances because at times when u do feel like talking something u just can't do that remember mutation.. yep u have evolved into a quieter being :)

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