Black Box
bios version: LY8451A.86A.0011.P05
Processor Type Intel P 4
processor speed 1.70GhZ
system bus speed 400MHz
system memory speed 133MHz
cache RAM 256KB
Total mem 127MB
Intel desktop board D845GLLY
Main Memory Support
The Desktop Boards provide the following memory features:
• Two DIMM sockets supporting one of the following :
2.5 V (only) 184-pin 200/266 MHz Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM DIMMs with gold-
plated contacts, or
3.3 V (only) 168-pin 133 MHz Single Data Rate (SDR) SDRAM DIMMs with gold-plated
• Maximum total system memory: 2 GB; minimum total system memory: 64 MB
• Serial Presence Detect (SPD) DIMMs only
White Box
bios version: EA81510A.86A.0031.p07
processor type Intel P 3
processor speed 933MHz
system bus frequency 133MHz
cache RAm 256KB
Total mem 256MB
Intel desktop board D815EEA
Main Memory Support
The board supports 168-pin SDRAM DIMMs as defined below:
• 168-pin SDRAM Dual Inline Memory Modules (DIMMs) with gold-plated contacts
• Three DIMM slots are provided for flexible memory configurations
• 133 MHz SDRAM up to two double-sided DIMMs, or one double-sided DIMM and two
single-sided DIMMs
• 100 MHz SDRAM up to three double-sided DIMMs
• Minimum system memory: 32 MB
• Maximum system memory: 512 MB
ref:- Intel MoBo spec

bios version: LY8451A.86A.0011.P05
Processor Type Intel P 4
processor speed 1.70GhZ
system bus speed 400MHz
system memory speed 133MHz
cache RAM 256KB
Total mem 127MB
Intel desktop board D845GLLY
Main Memory Support
The Desktop Boards provide the following memory features:
• Two DIMM sockets supporting one of the following :
2.5 V (only) 184-pin 200/266 MHz Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM DIMMs with gold-
plated contacts, or
3.3 V (only) 168-pin 133 MHz Single Data Rate (SDR) SDRAM DIMMs with gold-plated
• Maximum total system memory: 2 GB; minimum total system memory: 64 MB
• Serial Presence Detect (SPD) DIMMs only
White Box
bios version: EA81510A.86A.0031.p07
processor type Intel P 3
processor speed 933MHz
system bus frequency 133MHz
cache RAm 256KB
Total mem 256MB
Intel desktop board D815EEA
Main Memory Support
The board supports 168-pin SDRAM DIMMs as defined below:
• 168-pin SDRAM Dual Inline Memory Modules (DIMMs) with gold-plated contacts
• Three DIMM slots are provided for flexible memory configurations
• 133 MHz SDRAM up to two double-sided DIMMs, or one double-sided DIMM and two
single-sided DIMMs
• 100 MHz SDRAM up to three double-sided DIMMs
• Minimum system memory: 32 MB
• Maximum system memory: 512 MB
ref:- Intel MoBo spec

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